focus on wellness
living wholy focus on welless
living wholy vegan diet for vegans


Welcome! I’m Leah

As a certified health and fitness coach my goal is to teach you that your body knows how to heal itself through proper guidance and a self determination to take back the reigns of your life. If you’ve been diagnosed with a health challenge and are feeling overwhelmed with not knowing how to get well, I want you to know that you have the innate ability to heal yourself – it’s within you. Your body has wisdom, it wants to be well and is always trying to find homeostasis, it’s happy place. What if this health challenge you are facing is just the wakeup call you need and, your body is just letting you know it’s time to take some personal action?

You already have more power than you know to bring your health back into balance.

Instead of feeling like your body is letting you down, how can you see this health challenge as a way your body is signaling you that something is off, and is lovingly letting you know, you need to get back into balance?

Allow me to be your bridge to better health.

Finding ways to optimize health is my passion. I’ve done all the hard work for you! For over 3 decades, I’ve read all the books, done all the training, spoken to the leading health advocates, and went down every avenue of health and wellness that you can imagine. Let’s just put it this way, I’ve bought the t-shirt! Allow me to bridge the gap for you so you don’t have to spend precious time, energy, and money, to still finding yourself only experiencing mediocre health. This is about showing you how to gain and maintain vibrant health!

Together we will focus on your wellness versus your illness.

I will share with you all my secrets on how I healed myself of radical ductal carcinoma without any conventional medicine. I will show you how a change in mindset along with lifestyle has allowed me to be cancer free for over a decade. My goal is to inspire you to embark on a personal journey that will lead you to a life of abundant health, energy, balance, and clarity.

Join me on the road less travelled – The Living ‘Wholy’ Approach to Wellness

W: We focus on Wellness
H: Using a Holistic Approach
O: To Create Optimum Health
L: That Leads to Life Lasting Change
Y: For You to Live Your Best Life

I’m stoked to share with you my simple tools that will produce immediate shifts in your health and well-being and like me, you will never look back in fear of your health again.

All Things Vegan Radio

Listen to my interview with “All Things Vegan Radio” where I talk about how I faced faced my cancer diagnosis. Learn how I healed myself without choosing surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy.

Our lives are composed of infinite, intertwining stories, a reality that makes it difficult to know where or how to begin one’s narrative.  Oddly, in this moment, the task is not so difficult: this website and my journey through the cancer diagnosis saga are intimately connected events.  If the purpose of life is to experience, grow and share, then the documentation of my wellness process to concerned readers like you qualifies as a story – our story.


Hi, I'm Leah Putnam.

My goal is to inspire you to embark on a personal journey that will lead you to a life of abundant energy, vibrancy, balance, clarity and happiness.

Coaching With Leah Using The Living ‘Wholy’ Approach to Wellness

wellness cleanse for vegans

Completely Transform Your Life With this 21-Day Wellness Cleanse

Sign up for instant access to this 8 step course to Total Wellness!

I had the good fortune to participate in Leah’s January 2014 cleanse. I’m primarily a raw vegan but I wanted to experience the cleanse to learn more from her. The vegan lifestyle can be challenging because there is far less clinical research on this diet. What amazes me about Leah is her passion for staying current and informed about the science of the plant-based diet – how it affects us metabolically, physically, mentally, and even spiritually. She has that special ability to communicate this science to both newcomers to veganism and to those of us who have been doing this for some years. Leah is truly a leader and visionary in the vegan wellness arena. It’s always such an honor to be in dialogue with her and to get informed about the latest science updates.

Kesha Fikes, Somatic Bodyworker & Movement Therapist
The Center for Sensorial Bodywork & Movement Therapy, Los Gatos

Leah is gifted in her ability to gather a community of people truly seeking wellness. As a health care professional I personally took part in Leah’s 21 Day Wellness Cleanse. The food that we ingest in Eastern Medicine is pivotal to long term health. This experience is a great opportunity to encourage my patients to pay more attention to their diet and food choices. One of the incredible benefits I gained from participating on the 21 day cleanse was the improvement on the results of my recent Thermography scan! We need this community of like minded, motivated food and wellness intellectuals.

Catherine Burns, L. Ac. Real Health Los Altos, California

Leah’s Culinary Cooking Classes are definitely all about Gourmet ”Raw” Food Cuisine. She demonstrates her culinary techniques in a clear and easy to learn style. The classes are well organized, questions are encouraged and Leah’s jovial and enthusiastic personality encourages pushing oneself to try something new. The food demonstrated is delicious and Leah is skilled in creating a space that makes learning Raw food cuisine fun.

Josie Brignoli, United Airlines, Redwood City, California

As her Transformational Life Coach, I hoped to show Leah all that is good in life ~ And it to my surprise she ended up showing me! Before knowing Leah Putnam I was a 20-year veteran of on again, off again eating clean whole foods. Outwardly, it looked like I was doing all the right things with fitness and food but, inwardly I really had not committed to the process. After watching with my own eyes how Leah radically shifted the course of her life through lifestyle changes, I decided to truly make a commitment to my own. Leah’s focus on wellness, not illness and her wisdom behind it was the profound shift I needed. Her passion and enthusiasm to living her best life is infectious. I thought if she can do it, I could do it! I followed her plan with the 21-Day Cleanse and for the first time ever the veils had been lifted. It’s no longer a process I have to endure; I actually love this way being and feel amazing.

Teri Gyemi, Transformational Life Coach and Yoga Instructor, Ontario, Canada

My Story

Part I ~ ‘Hello…you have cancer…’

Recalling when I first heard those words was akin to remembering where I was when JFK was assassinated or, when the Towers fell. It was a personal life disaster moment.

I remember awaiting my doctor’s call with a huge knot in my gut. When the doctor rang, ear poised to the phone, I desperately held onto a glimmer of hope for a negative result but, that was not my fate. ‘The biopsy was positive, she said, you have cancer’. She then proceeded to layout my next course of action, but I could barely catch a word she said. (Sound familiar?) All I could hear were echoes of “positive…positive…positive…” Funny how ‘positive’ can take on a whole new meaning of ‘negative’, it became mortal that day.

Minutes following my diagnosis, several questions came to mind: ‘How could this be happening to me?’, ‘Who do I call?’, ‘Who do I not call?’. Perhaps the most interesting reflection I had was, ‘I don’t have time for this!’.

Time! Our sense of control over our lives, and how we qualify our accomplishments, is determined by how well we ‘plan’ and how well we orchestrate that said plan. But here, time meant more than simply dealing with cancer. I owned and operated a successful fitness studio and was a whole foods advocate who now had to revise my life goals and objectives for health reasons!?! How crazy is this? All that I believed in and advocated for didn’t protect me? What went wrong? What do I do now? And what course of action do I take, said my bewildered self? Of course, there was the mainstream road map for treating cancer – the second opinions, surgery, chemo, radiation, etc. Was this my new plan, my new journey?

By the day’s end, the paralyzing fog had lifted, and I was blessed with an entirely new perspective. To give you an idea of how my charted path evolved, I have shared below some reflections from my ‘healing journal’ I wrote that memorable day back in the year 2011. Looking back, this sacred possession of thoughts, ironically gave me a glimpse into my future self and the wellness contribution I am presently embarking on in this world. Here it goes…

“I am truly on the path of healing.  Not only from a soulful sense, but also from a physical one. Today I received a diagnosis of breast cancer. Crap, crap, crap. At first, I could not believe it was true. I felt like I was in a dream, going through the motions of trying to wrap my thoughts around it and trying to understand, all at the same time. Too many thoughts were entering my mind all at once.  I felt like I was short-circuiting.  Luckily, I took a walk in nature; I walked in the hills with my dog Koal. I don’t recall much of the walk, but it felt good just to move. Afterwards I went off to see Darryl (my loving husband) whose mom at the time just landed in the hospital. All felt normal except the nagging realization that I had to deal with this diagnosis. Getting used to accepting that as my reality is going to be the difficult part. Cancer has been present in my life, both my mother and father died from it. I never truly thought it would be in my own body.  I am sure there is a reason for this, even though the doctors continue to assure me that it just happens, even to people like me. I feel it is showing up for me because it is a gift in a funny costume. I know it is a real blessing in disguise. I am determined to make this a blessing. I am determined that I will be able to offer this journey as a gift of healing for so many women. This is my road of blessings to come.”

In Gratitude,

vegan diets

Part II – Being in the World with a Cancer Diagnosis – Friends and Family

I realize that everyone handles vulnerable situations differently. For me, I really did not want many people to know the health challenge I was experiencing. In fact, it’s just been the last few years that I’ve become comfortable with sharing my journey. There were various reasons I kept my diagnosis to myself and my immediate family.  The biggest reason for my secrecy was that I didn’t want people worrying about me.  I didn’t want to be treated differently, given that I had a diagnosis with a survival rate that society measured in years.

Not wanting others to be over-concerned stemmed from other or alternate things, like the fact that I did not feel ill in the slightest.  I would personally scan my body for any signs or indications that I was fighting a disease.  I could find nothing.  In fact, I felt good!  I ate well, I exercised, I was committed to meditating, I enjoyed my loving family. Not to mention I was an enthusiastic student of self-improvement, and I was long devoted to living a positive life.  So “sick”, I was not. The only indication of this diagnosis was the small lump in my breast.

As I researched what to do and who to go to for help, the conventional paths for treatment never sat well with me.  I felt pressured to decide on a plan, then to start moving forward.  At a certain point, when I contemplated a lumpectomy, I realized that I had simply considered it so that people would leave me alone.  But after meeting with the surgeon, I knew that the conventional path was not my truth.  Everybody wanted me to act fast and get the cancer out of my body before it spread.  It felt like the cancer was being viewed as a foreign object or cling-on that somehow entered my body.  This concept of it being “foreign” was what didn’t sit well with me. In fact, my awareness of this internal uneasiness was my turning point.

If this diagnosis was indeed a blessing, then cancer was not my enemy, as I recall thinking.  I birthed this cancer and so I knew I had to somehow befriend ‘it’ because ‘it’ was ‘me’, in this form I had yet to recognize.  This concept was hard for most to understand so, I kept it to myself.  I decided to begin this process of acceptance by spending 3 weeks at the Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida. This is a center dedicated to healing through a vegan diet that is supplemented by exercise, positive thinking, and non-invasive therapies.  Most who knew of my condition, aside from immediate family, believed I was going there to get myself in the best physical condition I could before proceeding with surgery and whatever other conventional protocol was presumedly being prescribed.  But I knew I was going there to treat my cancer in a way that made all the sense in the world to me.  Hippocrates was my truth – I knew it would provide the kind of environment that would enable me to heal on my own terms.

Before and after my trip to Hippocrates, I was very protective of myself with respect to others’ energies.  Even though everyone wanted only the best for me, I could feel them knowingly or unknowingly, projecting their fears and concerns onto me. This meant I needed to keep many at bay.  I knew I was swimming upstream, and I didn’t want others’ heavily weighted vibes make the current any tougher.  To be honest, others’ fears rocked my world in disturbing ways but, I remained steadfast on a mission of complete faith into what I knew would be my healing truth.  I felt very raw and vulnerable. I needed to protect myself to remain on my course.  I would only let certain select people be privy to my circumstances – only if it served me in a positive way.  At first a part of me thought it was selfish, but soon I learned it was a valuable process in honoring myself through gathering my tribe of positive allies. Debbie Downers Need Not Apply! I needed the wind beneath my wings; the ones that were also seeing this ‘setback’ as only a blip in the road. I needed those that were willing to patch me up, help me put my breast plate of armour on to get into the ring of proclaiming victory for my health and recovery.

As the year passed, and with each doctors visit I had with my oncologist repeatedly stating my tumor was shrinking, confirmed I was on the right path. I could see that my focus was changing from the “I” of “Illness to ‘” We” in “Wellness” – something in my reality shifted.  I started to feel inspired to share my story. To my amazement, people started thanking me for sharing my truth. It soon became obvious that telling my health story was helping others undergoing similar life struggles.

Even though this healing journey I was on yielded remarkable gains, I found it incredibly odd that I still had some folks close to me, with fear in their eyes, ask me to consider surgery. Thankfully, I was grounded enough to recognize that they were stuck in the mainstream narrative of, ‘how to treat cancer’. Seeing how ‘programmed’ many people were, almost like a horse with blinders on, was another reinforcement I needed to keep going and share my results.  I realized that everyone’s intentions were well-meaning but also stuck on one track. Don’t get me wrong, everyone is entitled to the opinion that represents their truth. As I got more and more rooted in what was right for me and continued to follow that truth, it built this force field of inner power that grounded me emotionally. There was a strength in discerning what was right for me, and then honoring it in spite of what others felt I should do. More than anything, this was about me trusting my inner wisdom, rather than what the mainstream said to do.

My husband and two boys were – and are – completely supportive of my decision to journey down this non-conventional path. And I knew my boys never doubted me because they valued my choice to live my truth.  The men in my life, trusted me and, I adore them for always standing so closely by my side.  This continues to inspire me.

I’d be remised if I failed to mention that my parents often came to the forefront of my mind during this journey.  On one hand, now that they were no longer with me on this physical plain, it seemed easier, as I know they would have been very scared and worried for me.  But on the other, I know that they have been watching over me from above, with pride, the kind that only a parent feels for their children.  I can sense that their spirit honors my spirit as well as my courage to have walked this road less traveled.

Part III – The Road of Blessings to Come…

Where do I go from here?  As I moved through the healing experience and growing expediently from what I had learned, coupled with having the courage to live my life authentically, it was clear to me that the next step of my healing process was to integrate my leadership skills and go from student to teacher. I needed to draw from my fitness and wellness background layered by the wisdom gained from my cancer journey to be of contribution to help heal this unhealthy world. I knew I needed to help guide those who were bewildered on which way to go.  This current journey of being an integrated health coach is an evolving story that is about cultivating an environment for productive dialogue of informed, current, and alternative decisions around healing one’s self.  I am on a mission to create a platform of readily available information for those who are intuitively drawn to non-conventional knowledge about their options.  The practice of sharing such information is my gift, my inspiration, and my passion.  This website, LivingWholy.com, offers my teleconferences, health coaching, wellness programs, recipes, videos, blogs as well as favorite tips and tools.  I welcome you all to this special learning experience.  And I am committed to being here for you when you need support.

My moto is: ‘Focus on Wellness Instead of Illness’ using the WHOLY LIVING framework to health and wellbeing. My hope is to empower people to take responsibility for their lives, to radically shift their health by, making mindset, dietary and lifestyle changes.  Please note that this website is not exclusive to only those with a recent diagnosis of cancer. It’s for anyone struggling with dis-ease in their bodies.  Caregivers will benefit from this information, as well as those who have been ill for an extended period and who are curious about other wellness options. If you’re tired of being sick and tired, join my community of wellness warriors.  Together we’ll start healing this planet one person at a time! 

Focus on Wellness, Not Illness

Whole-food, plant-based diets and cancer fighting foods can prevent heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, arthritis, and other chronic diseases that plague our modern-day society. This is not how you want to live. I want you to know that you have options in a world that rarely takes the road less travelled. It is my strong belief that it is never too late to begin the journey of whole-body wellness. My goal is to inspire you to lead a life of abundant health and happiness. I will give you the tools you need to transform your body, unlock your spiritual potential, nurture your health, and unleash your true vibrancy. Don’t wait one more day! If you’re on this website, there is something niggling inside of you to get your proverbial ‘sh#t’ together.

If you don’t have time for your health today, you better carve out a lot of time for your illness in the future! I have a few options to get you started:

One on One Health and Wellness Coaching/Complimentary Session – Sign up here
My 21 Day Self Directed Wellness Cleanse – Sign up here
My 21 Day Empowerment Package – Sign up here
8 Steps to Stop Making Cancer – FREE PDF Click here
1 Day Wellness Cleanse – FREE PDF Click here

Sign up for a complimentary session
today to see if this coaching is right for you. 

Take a Load Off Your System with the 1 Day Detox!
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Leah Putnam

Hi, I'm Leah Putnam.

My goal is to inspire you to embark on a personal journey that will lead you to a life of abundant energy, vibrancy, balance, clarity and happiness.